Another Kitchen Update
October 3, 2008

Since the last Kitchen update, we installed the rest of the cabinets for the peninsula, the base board behind the refrigerator, and moved the refrigerator in. We also hung the microwave, installed a new outlet for it on its own circuit, and the ducting for the exhaust fan. We made templates for the three granite coutertop pieces and took them to the granite fabricator. Much to our surprise, he had them done the next day, so we picked them up and put them in. After the gas lines were installed, we closed the wall behind the stove and hooked the stove up. And tonight we actually cooked dinner in our kitchen! Unfortunately we still don't have the sink or dishwasher installed yet...

The three new granite pieces.

Here's a shot of one of the small granite countertop sections.

The peninsula cabinets installed. We'll get to work on the countertop for the peninsula next.

We ended up having to box in the gas line behind the stove with some drywall. There are plastic boxes for this purpose, but they come with the valve already installed, and we would have had to swap out valves, and the space was a bit tight with the bathroom water lines right there. But this worked out well.

Our first meal cooked in our new kitchen!